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Terms & conditions

The website contains information that is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate and current. In the event of a discrepancy between the published texts, the information on this website and the original documents, the form submitted version of the original documents shall prevail.


MRX Systems S.A. can not be held liable for any direct or indirect, material or Consequential damages arising out of access to the site. This includes damage caused by Viruses that infect your computer or a bad connection of the Internet. MRX Systems S.A. is striving to maintain the quality and our service to be available to you.


MRX Systems S.A. shall not be liable for any, even only temporary interruptions in transmission of data. The user understands and agrees that our services are entitled "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE".


The website may reject web sites that are not in the control region or responsibility of MRX Systems S.A.. These exclusions are not to circumvent the requirements of the applicable law, therefore do not exclude liabilities specially asigned by law.


Rights on images: All images on this website are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of MRX Systems S.A.

Rights on documents: All texts located on this site unless otherwise stated are property of MRX Systems S.A. Therefore, any reproduction and / or performance and / or distribution in whole or in parts, is prohibited in any electronic form, present or future. Those who fail to comply with this prohibition must face both civilian and criminal penalties.

Privacy policy

All of the information MRX Systems S.A. provides are subject to our privacy policy, which regulates the accumulation and use of user data. By using our services on our website the user authorizes us to collect and use data (as specified in the Privacy policy) which will be transfered to use and storage to MRX Systems S.A. to Luxembourg and / or other countries. It may happen that we notify you about offers or send you administrative notices. This is part of the MRX Systems S.A. Customer Service.


The site is managed by the MRX Systems S.A. webmaster and regularly examined. If you still notice any irregularity or problems on this site the Webmaster would be grateful if you would inform him about it at the following Your comments, ideas or suggestions are of course handled with great care. Thank you for your interest on the site and do not hesitate to contact us.

Modification to Terms & conditions

It is possible that the terms are updated from time to time. The latest version will always be available on this page. If a change is in our sole discretion, we will notify you by e-mail about your account. To still have access to our services after a change of terms, the user declares to be bound by these conditions.


These conditions shall apply with April, 1st 2010.

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