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What We Do

MRX Systems provides a complete paperless, safe & secured, user-friendly solution for aircraft maintenance. The service is hosted in Microsoft Azure Private Cloud which assures you a monthly service availability up to 99,95%. Moreover your data are geo-replicated in a scalable ecosystem.


Always 3 clicks away,

Easy to start with,

You are in charge of your data, 

100% paperless, but you can always export to a known reporting format,

eTechlog & eJobCard iPad applications,

Smart eBook system: Files are directly attached to any data element in the system,

Due List items deadlines calculated based upon fleet operations,

Work Orders  – organize work, schedule, and more,

Monitor and project maintenance coming due

Safety & efficiency

Manage your own customized and approved Maintenance Programs to ensure that your aircraft is under total control.
Update your fleet status on a daily basis, act fast to analyze Manufacturer Publications (Service bulletins) and Airworthiness Directives.


Take advantage of our unique AD Tracker feature that connects to the EASA website and retrieve new ADs based on your key words, and download automatically the associated pdf documents.

Regulatory compliance

As soon as we enter your approved Maintenance Program, the system cannot miss any requirement. Everything is tracked and reset automatically. All you have to do is to consult your coming due and order the work to apply.
Additionnally, the system is able to download all directives from the EASA website.

Value protection

The aircraft value is based on being able to provide a complete overview of its maintenance operations history as well as what is coming due. Blue EYE allows you to perform it in details as everything has been tracked and monitored.

Technology & security

MRX Systems offers you the most advanced desktop-based software using DevExpress components which have been awarded many times.


Why not web-app ? Aircraft Maintenance management uses a huge amount of data, a classic "fat client" (installed software) allows users to work locally on their computer and only transfer data update when saving the modification. This solution ensures connection speed and reliability 24/7. Our services are hosted in the cloud in several Microsoft data-centers all around the world.

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MRX Systems © 2014

Blue Eye maintenance solutions
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